I had another meeting with my professor the other night. After countless fails in this class, he looked over the work I had done during the semester and said I had a nice style, should concentrate on illustrations, and to keep going because he thinks “I can do some good things”. Phew! I never thought such a back handed compliment would mean so much to me!

All in all, I am half way through the semester and I think, if anything, I’ve learned about taking and handling critiques, designing with meaning, and more about who I am as a designer. As hard as it is to get through some of these long days and longer nights, I keep pushing myself to reach my goal. And I wake up the next morning more knowledgeable than I was the day before.

And although pushing myself to the extreme is something I’ve become accustomed to, I can’t say I’m not jumping for joy over having Spring Break this week.  Especially since I’m moving! To a place with a washer/dryer! Now I have time to day dream about all the ways I can use those extra quarters…